TEDx Southlake 2022
September 11, 2022
The TEDx event this year will be hosted on September 11th by Share a Smile (SAS) Charity. SAS is a Carroll ISD high school students-led non-profit whose mission is “To make Smiles attainable and sustainable.” This year, we are working towards this mission through various Youth empowerment activities including leading the TEDx events.
Our themes this year for TEDx Southlake is GROWTH for YOUTH and UNLEARN for ADULTS. This is the first year for TEDx Southlake to have both Youth and Adults due to popular demand and the growth of the event.
Want to be a speaker at our TEDx Southlake?
Share a Smile
TEDx Southlake would not be able to hold events without the help of the host this year, Share a Smile (SaS) Charity. Share a Smile Charity is a Youth-Led Nonprofit started by Carroll ISD High School Students from Southlake, Texas. The focus of Share a smile is to serve the underprivileged by involving the community in a variety of ways.
Sponsor and Volunteer
Sponsorship opportunities, Volunteer opportunities and various other opportunities are available for both Share a Smile (info@sascharity.org) and TEDx (info@tedxsouthlake.com).
This TEDx Southlake event takes a village and is an independently organized event. Thank you for your participation, support and spreading your ideas worth sharing.